Foods That Make Us Happy
What is happiness?
Are we as happy as we make up our minds to be? Is there truly an opportunity to find something positive in every event and everyone? I'd like to believe that to be true, although, I confess, some situations appear to be more challenging than others.
One thing I know for sure is that happiness is connected to two key mood regulators that our brains produce - serotonin and noradrenaline.
Serotonin is a mood enhancer that has an effect on pain, pleasure, anxiety, panic, arousal, and sleep patterns. Noradrenaline is a chemical that elevates our moods and affects stress and anxiety. The more concentrated the amounts of these two chemicals, the happier we are!
How does food happily enter?
Recent research has confirmed that there is a link between eating certain foods and feeling better, relaxed and yes! Whoopee!!!! EVEN happy!
What are these foods?
They are proteins and yes - our beloved carbohydrates! Carbohydrates carry a key amino acid, tryptophan, to our brains. Once there, tryptophan does its thing, and both serotonin and noradrenaline are produced. Our moods are given a bit of boost.
Feeling blue? Here follows Our Lady of Weight Loss's Six Secret Foods that Boost Serotonin, Give a Lift and Bring a Smile to Your Face!
Bananas.They are loaded with magnesium, which reduced anxiety and helps you to sleep better.
Oranges.Two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice can help to lessen nervousness and bad moods. Lack of vitamin C, which affects noradrenaline levels, can make you crabby!
Brazilian Walnuts.A hard nut to crack and find! Nevertheless, they are rich in selenium, which is related to a pleasant disposition. (I make all visitors, particularly relatives, eat two upon entering my home.)
Chocolate.Ninety percent of women crave chocolate. (HUGE surprise.) It does have a soothing effect and seems to bring pleasure. Stick with dark chocolate and small amounts. Savor it!
Turkey.This protein is a great source of tyrosine amino acid, which produces dopamine and noradrenaline and is great for relaxation and sleeping. Who hasn't fallen asleep after Thanksgiving turkey?
Water.Dehydration is a common cause of feeling tired, cranky, and depressed. When the body is dehydrated, the blood flow to the organ slows and functions decrease. Goodness gracious, that's scary. Bottoms up!
Otherthan eating bananas,what might increase your level of happiness? Bring it up just one notch? Slowly let it in... What are your short term and long term goals. Goals give purpose and meaning to our lives.